I volunteer for New Rattitude Rat Terrier Rescue
Helping to find rescued Ratties in need their second chance at life in good fit forever homes.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kia Hasn't Met A Toy She Doesn't Like

Miss Kia is serious about playing with toys. She is young and small but she can get her rattie shake on. So far she hasn't gutted any toys, she just shakes them, throws them, pounces on them, nibbles them...and did I mention shakes them???

I got you Mr Crab

"I will shake you til you can not crawl away again"

"You can never get away from me Mr Crab."

Break time! But not for long...."I was just testing it out, I am not ready for a nap yet foster mom."

"Now that I rested for a minute I need to check out this bed and other toys over here now."

"I love these toys you have"

Rattie Shake!!!!!!!

I will say Kia is an active lil gal! She is rattie through and through. Keeps foster mom and dad on our toes and laughing all the time.... and hoping for nap time to come.... lol

But what were the house dogs doing when Kia was practicing her birthright rattie death shakes?

Birdie says "Momma why did we get a puppy again?"

Jenny says "Puppy don't mess with my beauty sleep", and Tim says "I have some important squirrel watching to do."

Liza says "mom...NO more puppies!"

Skip agrees with Liza.

Kia says, "Hey wait a minute, what's not to love here?!? I am just being a terrier pup and doesn't being super adorable help?" LOL Yup!

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