I volunteer for New Rattitude Rat Terrier Rescue
Helping to find rescued Ratties in need their second chance at life in good fit forever homes.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oskar comes to visit!

Well we are officially the crazy dog people! On top of having Mingus here with our five, we are petsitting Oskar for his foster mom. Mingus and Oskar have spent the last day and half getting to know eachother. They have decided that they can have a lot of fun together! They have both made sure they have double and maybe triple marked the plants in the yard and so it was time for something new. Running like crazy around the front yard. They showed nice manners and got the wiggles out! What I didn't get on camera but was super cute, was once they both went in the house they drank water together at the same time from the same bowl. Nice sharing boys! Skip was very patient as they horned in on his favorite past time.

Oskar has the cutest run run spring! I don't know if you can see it. I will try to get a better shot.

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