I volunteer for New Rattitude Rat Terrier Rescue
Helping to find rescued Ratties in need their second chance at life in good fit forever homes.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Learning the doggie door shuffle

I have been working with Gauge to learn to go out the doggie door. He has learned quickly to come in to the house as he really really really likes to be with his people so coming in is high on his list of things to learn. Going out the dog door was proving to be a bit more of a challenge. For one a couple of times when he went to go out one of his foster siblings was bounding in and startled him so then he decided he needed to be a bit more careful in the going out the door. When we were teaching Sage the doggie door he was very reluctant to go through the flaps so I taped them up for him, then he would go through like a champ. The next thing I did was let one flap down until he got used to that and then the second one came down and Sage is a champ at using the dog door. I decided to use that same technique with Gauge and then I stand outside with treats and just encourage him to go in and out, he gets the treat for coming out. Gauge loves treats so it makes my job that much easier! Here he is just minutes after me taping up the flaps.

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