I volunteer for New Rattitude Rat Terrier Rescue
Helping to find rescued Ratties in need their second chance at life in good fit forever homes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What I Did On My Very First Vacation. Cullaby Lake part 3b

Rounding the corner and continuing our walk in Cullaby Lake park the boys spotted a chipmunk on this log that looks like someone made into a bench. By the time they got to it Mr Chipmunk was long gone but they were sure they could still find him somewhere around here. It turned out to make a cute photo shoot.

Tim smelling where the chipmunk had been perched...

"Where are you Mr. Chipmunk, we don't want to hurt you.....we just want to sniff you." Mr Chipmunk is much too smart to believe that for a millisecond!

Tim is really into this now...

I asked him to stay for a second so I could snap and picture and I am sure I could hear him say "OKAY mom hurry up, take the darn picture, can't you see I am busy?"

Did someone say "treats"?

Treats seem to fall from the sky when we are all up here.....

Jenny figured she did her bit for my photo shoot but the boys finally decide to give mom a nice pose, of course dad was holding the treats in front of them but I'll take it!

Tim asks Skip how long this might take, he is starting to remember what he was doing prior to this darn photo shoot.

Little Jenny-Boo says, "dad if I stand on your foot could I please have another treat?" Yes of course she got several....
I bet you are wondering why this is called Cullaby Lake Park when so far there has been no lake! Stay tuned, you won't be disappointed.

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