I volunteer for New Rattitude Rat Terrier Rescue
Helping to find rescued Ratties in need their second chance at life in good fit forever homes.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cony Cone Head

Although things are going well with Cony post surgery, he just was having a hard time leaving his bandages alone on his back legs where the dew claws were removed, after all it just plain feels weird to have tape wrapped around his legs and he could be so sneaky at finding a time to bite at them. So unfortunately he had to be coned. The only cone we had was a little short in the snout but it seemed to do the trick. He wasn't that happy about it but he is such a good natured boy he just decided to go with it.

Cony in my chair wondering what on earth his foster parents have gotten him into.
Do I have to HAVE a picture of this foster mom?
Don't let this relaxed Cony fool you, we have had to really monitor him with the puppies Juniper and Mesquite because he thinks he should be able to run around like a maniac and play. We do let him play a little but then have to settle him back down again. He will be as good as new in a few more days and this will all be behind him.

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